Wednesday, November 10, 2010

ENG OP Reflection

Finally, after all the moaning and groaning, slogging it out at various corners of YIH and Raffles Hall, late night calls complaining to each other, the research project had ended with the oral presentation ! This post serve as my reflection for the oral presentation.

After we got back our proposal, we were quite disheartened to see so much markings. Naturally we felt that it was not a good sign. Upon further reading, we felt that we did not bring across a lot of the points in the proposal very well. Therefore, we had a consent that we have to make it right this time during the oral presentation.

Meeting up was not easy. Everyone had their own busy schedules and projects to work on, as a result, we did not have a full rehearsal until three days before the actual presentation. However, I felt that the slides had to be done early for us to have a clear outline of our presentation. Hence, we came out with the slides and assigned our parts prior to our meet up for rehearsal. When we finally met up for the rehearsal, I was really happy to see that all my team member put in great efforts for their parts. Despite the efforts, many of us still had problems with our delivery as we were not confident of the presentation. It was only until the second rehearsal that Billet suggested the interview method of presentation. I was to be honest skeptical about it at first but decided to give it a try.

We decided to change the setting of the classroom to suit our style of presentation. I guess little touches like the my mother's flowers and the table cloth really paid off.

Everyone did a great job in presenting their parts when they are "called" for. Having Billet as the "interviewer", gave us the confidence as we felt less intimidated by answering the question and having a continuous connection to someone we are familiar with. We were also cautious to connect to the audience as well. ( that's why we had the eye contact practice billet was doing before the presentation) The questions also help break down our presentation into more sizable portions for us to present and for the audience to digest.

For my own part, my mind was really a complete blank when I stood up. But, being full of the topic after having sleepless night thinking of the solutions and proposals, I managed to let it just flow out of me. But having said that, I personally felt that I lacked the engagement with the audience. I also made too much effort to pause and moderate my speed of speech. I am not sure if that came across too obvious. (I hope not )

Firstly, I also felt that the video was a bit too long. But it did served its purpose of bringing across the idea and emotions. Our presentation slides was clean, clear and simple which did not leave any impression. In a certain way, it was great as it enable the audience to pay more attention to us. Having seen the first 2 groups presenting with Prezi, we did not like the idea as we feel that all the animations and visuals is going to distract the audience, in Nan Hai's words, made us very dizzy.

Overall, I think my team really did a great job. I would like to thank all of them for the effort put in. Given all the stress and constrains, you all proved to me that impossible is nothing :)


  1. Hi XQ,

    First of all hats off to Billet to seriously think of such an effective way of presentation, in order to present your strengths in front of us. Lets move on directly to the point:

    1- I think your delivery skills are very good. So, you must always look into how you can engage more into the audience. Stick to your strengths. I felt somewhere during presentation that you "over-elaborated" few points which I think could be avoided. It takes away attention.

    2- Your eye contact, pronunciation, hand gestures and use of emphasis were good.

    3- I felt your part to be quite short in comparison to others. Still you were up to the mark.

    4- The main thing is that your voice projection is at the best level. But, don't over-exert yourself while speaking.

    Overall, your part of presentation was very good. It catched everybody's attention and your point were well said and well supported with facts. Thanks for such a nice and unique way of presentation.

  2. Thanks, XQ, for this detailed reflection. I'm glad to know that your team used my reaction to your proposal as "inspiration" to build and deliver a strong OP. As I mentioned in my formal review and you recount here, there were indeed many strengths to your presentation. Of course, improvements could also be made, but what is most important now is the take away from this experience. I am certain that you will continue to develop your skills. Best of luck in your next presentation!

  3. Hey Brad,

    I really had a lot of take away from this class. The best thing is that these skills that I learnt from this class are skills which I can take with me further on in life. Thank you for the guidance you have given us all this while: )

  4. Hey Shivam,

    Tks for the kind comments. I still have a lot to learn. You are right about my over emphasis of some points. I felt it myself too as I was really exhausted after the presentation. I guess I was too excited about my ideas and wanted it to be brought across, hence the "extra effort" put in. I was not aware of it until I saw the youtube of my presentation. Man, I really overdone it. Haha and my hand gesture reminded me of obama! Haha:)

    See you around: )

  5. Hey there! A little late, but well done for your oral presentation! I'm really impressed by how your group managed to structure the presentation to maximize your potentials. The organization of putting your Q&A session before the conclusion was also a unique yet effective way of summing up your presentation. Kudos to the fact that you guys preempted some questions beforehand before starting the Q&A proper. Your slides were impactful yet not stealing the limelight from the presenters. For you, I especially liked your conclusion. It sounded so persuasive and firm that I immediately felt inclined to take up your proposal! To me, every presentation should start and end with a bang and you managed to leave a lasting impression in the audience!

    Probably, you could have tried to slow down and speak calmly as it was evident that you were nervous. Eye contact could have probably been a little better? But other than that, it was still nicely done. Great job! (:

    7Cs-wise, this is definitely not a concise post! Haha, but I agree that it's hard to be concise for reflections. Hence, my lengthy post as well. :p
